Live blood analysis

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Live blood analysis

What is Live Blood Analysis?

Live blood analysis, also known as darkfield microscopy, is an alternative diagnostic method that involves examining a person’s blood sample under a specialized microscope. The process begins with a small blood sample being collected from the client, usually through a finger prick. The collected blood is then placed on a glass slide and covered with a cover slip, creating a thin layer of blood for observation.

The slide is then inserted into a darkfield microscope, which utilizes a specific lighting technique to illuminate the blood cells against a dark background. This technique enhances the visibility of the cells and allows the practitioner to observe them in real-time. The practitioner analyzes various components of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

During the examination, the practitioner looks for specific characteristics and abnormalities within the blood sample. They may assess the size, shape, and movement of the blood cells, as well as the presence of any cellular debris, microorganisms, or other irregularities.  Based on their observations, the practitioner will communicate their findings and provide feedback and give lifestyle, diet and supplementation suggestions. 

Did you know?

Your blood can tell you a comprehensive story about your health and wellness and a single drop of blood contains a biochemical makeup as unique as your fingerprint. If you are looking for something that gives a unique look into your body’s internal environment and current health expression, give live blood analysis a try!

What can Live Blood Analysis Reveal?

  • Components in the blood, the quality, variability, function, and interaction with other cells
  •  Level of health of the blood, tissues, organs, and body systems
  • Signs of disease and the internal environment of the body
  • Ability to oxygenate and deliver nutrients, hormones, and remove waste/toxins
  • Detect inflammation, bacteria, yeast/fungi, toxins, heavy metals, parasitic organisms, and anomalies
  • Determine the location and progression/reduction of inflammatory progress
  • Digestive issues, leaky gut, and bowel dysfunction
  • Poor circulation and cardiovascular risk
  • Unresolved trauma (physical & emotional)
  • Internal challenges, imbalances & damage
  • How the body digests and absorbs protein
  • Blood sugar handling
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Mineral and vitamin deficiencies/excesses
  • Internal PH/acidity/toxicity
  • Possible auto-immune condition
  • Presence of allergies and infections
  • Foreign matter and chemical exposure
  • Effects of pharmaceutical medications & injections