Physiotherapy St. Albert

Integrative Physiotherapy~

Integrative physiotherapy is a 1:1 whole body, multi-systems approach to your care that investigates and treats the root cause(s) of your pain or dysfunction, bringing you back into alignment and reconnection with your body’s natural healing mechanisms.
In this discovery and transformational process, a wealth of hands-on physical therapies and somatic emotional-release techniques are interwoven and applied in response to you and your body’s unique story. This approach provides a safe container to build a deeper connection to your body, your truest self and inner power. A whole body restoration and return to how you were originally designed — to feel fully alive, whole and well.
Techniques and tools that may be used in your Integrative Physiotherapy session:
  • Whole body bio-mechanical alignment and movement assessment 
  • Musculoskeletal and Fascial Release techniques
  • Cranial Sacral Techniques
  • Visceral Mobilizations
  • Neural Mobilizations
  • Acupuncture/Dry Needling Techniques
  • Spinal Manipulation
  • SER: Somato-Emotional Release
If you are looking to build a greater sense of trust and safety within your body, transform your pain into power and feel seen, heard and empowered on your wellness journey, Integrative Physiotherapy is for you!

Techniques for Pelvic Health & Balance

From addressing postpartum challenges to enhancing sexual wellness, pelvic floor physiotherapy offers a multitude of benefits. Our skilled physiotherapist employs personalized, evidence-based techniques to help you regain control, improve bladder and bowel function, and alleviate discomfort. Pelvic floor work and fascial release may offer comfort from abdominal/gynecological disorders, incontinence and  menstrual pains.

Our Physiotherapist has a proven track record of helping with~ 

  • Pelvic pain
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Incontinence
  • Pre & Post Partum care
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Bowel Dysfunction
  • Sexual pain disorder/ Dysfunction
  • Pediatric pelvic health 


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