The Holistic Fertility Group Programs

Our specialized fertility programs offer a unique sequence that helps individuals identify and address their underlying imbalances or issues that may be contributing to their fertility health concerns, and support them in achieving their dreams of starting a family. Our programs are a 4 month process that involves 4 stages. Reveal, remove, rebalance and receive. This is a collaborative program between all of our practitioners that involve round table discussions and creating a treatment plan for each individual.

At the Holistic Fertility Group, we understand. We have been there too.

We offer 4 different types of programs geared towards different diagnosis’ and conditions : 

  • Do you feel lost in your conception journey? 
  • Do you feel like you keep searching for answers only to come up with more questions? 
  • Are you feeling hopeless and confused, wishing you had someone that could give you answers and guidance? 

Our Natural Fertility Programs:

We recognized long ago that trying to conceive can easily turn into a stressful experience. That is why we decided to create a program that was centred around eliminating overwhelm while also utilizing some of the best and most effective methods to optimize your chances of getting pregnant. 

The Holistic Fertility Program is designed to not only address the physical aspects of infertility but also the emotional and psychological ones. We believe that a holistic approach is the key to helping you achieve your dream of having a baby. 

Our team of experienced practitioners understands the emotional rollercoaster that comes with infertility. We are here to provide you with the support, guidance, and expertise you need to navigate this journey. 

We know that every person’s journey to parenthood is unique. That’s why we take a personalized approach, tailoring our program to meet your specific needs. We will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that takes into account your medical history, lifestyle, and personal preferences. 

At the core of our program is a deep understanding of the science and spirit required when trying to conceive.

We know you have a deep knowing that your body is capable of more and with the right help, it can create great things. 

We can help you create your dream of growing your family.

For Women

This program is specialized for women that are suspected or diagnosed with (but not limited to) one of the following – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Ovulatory disorders, Uterine abnormalities, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Autoimmune disorders or unexplained infertility

For Men

Varicocele, Ejaculatory disorders, Testicular problems, Hormonal imbalances, Infections, Genetic disorders, male factor infertility, low sperm count, low morphology

For Couples

This Program is designed if both partners have been diagnosed with fertility challenges or better yet, if couples want to improve their health together before trying to conceive to benefit both the couple and the future baby. It can enhance fertility, reduce the risk of pregnancy complications, promote the health of the baby, strengthen their relationship, and prepare couples for parenthood through better overall health.

Our programs consist of 4 phases

Each program takes roughly 4 months to complete and is meant to bring your body back to a state of homeostasis in order to regulate hormones, semen quality, stress levels, and menstrual cycles, optimizing your chances of a natural conception. Programs – 4 phases Our specialized fertility programs offer a unique sequence that helps individuals identify and address their underlying imbalances or issues that may be contributing to their fertility health concerns, and support them in achieving their dreams of starting a family. Our programs are a 4 month process that involves 4 stages. Reveal, remove, rebalance and receive. This is a collaborative program between all of our practitioners that involve round table discussions and creating a treatment plan for each individual.

Programs - 4 phases

Oftentimes we enter into programs, treatments, or even healing modalities with little understanding of what is really going on at the root of our reproductive health. This part of the program is incredibly important because it gives us an overall blueprint of what exactly is contributing to your dis-regulation as well as your difficulties with conceiving. During this phase of the program we take an in depth look into your hormones, your lifestyle and daily habits, emotional wellbeing, as well as other physical symptoms you may be experiencing. So frequently we see people that have an array of symptoms that seem to have no rhyme or reason to them, when in fact from a Chinese Medicine perspective they are uniquely connected. Through ordering lab work, testing hormones, and looking at symptoms, we are able to get a clear picture of what patterns of imbalance are showing up for each individual. This maps out our path forward in a clear and concise manner. Optimizing your chances of optimal reproductive health. 

Phase 2 of the program tends to be the longest, lasting anywhere between 4-6 weeks. During this time we advise you against actively trying to conceive and give your body a chance to detoxify any oxidative stress as well as toxins that accumulate in the body and reproductive organs. This usually ends up being a very healing time for a lot of our patients, as it can take the pressure off while giving you a chance to refocus your energy back to yourself and your health. Through diet therapy, Chinese herbal formulas, and weekly acupuncture appointments this is the time we regulate your central nervous system, and reduce inflammation in the body. During this phase, people typically report a feeling of releasing or letting go. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

During phase 3 we begin to allow our bodies a chance to replenish and restore while we begin to build resources that typically have been drained for years. It is incredibly common to experience burnout nowadays, especially when struggling to conceive. This process can tax the adrenals, as well as drain your natural reserves, leaving you feeling exhausted, experiencing digestive issues, depression and anxiety, as well as hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities. This phase is designed to tonify your Qi, implement lifestyle habits that allow you to de-stress, and increase blood flow throughout your body. This phase typically lasts around 4 weeks.

During the last phase of the program, you can begin to actively try and conceive while getting treatments to increase blood flow, promote implantation, increase egg quality, and regulate your nervous system. The final phase of a fertility program is focused on completing any remaining steps necessary to achieve the goal of conception and preparing for pregnancy. It is an important stage that allows individuals and couples to reflect on their progress and celebrate their achievements while also preparing for the next steps in their journey towards building a family.

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